most katine pag

A new bridge that connects the new town of Pag with Prosika replaced the early 20th century concrete bridge. The bridge is a somewhat altered replica of an old Venetian bridge built in 1737 based on the design by renowned Venetian architect Giambattista Lodoli.

A fishing village on the south-western shore of the island of Pag, half-way between the island’s hubs, Novalja and Pag. Šimuni is an ideal spot for a family vacation, long strolls and swimming and sunbathing on the nearby beaches.

jutra u poljima soli

Solana Pag od 01.06. za sve zainteresirane nudi edukativne radionice na otvorenom. Na radionicama možete saznati o povijesti Solane, načinu proizvodnje soli, nekada i danas, te o sastavu, kvaliteti i važnosti soli. Prilikom radionica se nudi uz kompetentno vodstvo razgled bazena, pratećih zapornica i kanala. 

magazini soli pag

The salt warehouses are structures in the monument category, situated opposite the town core at Prosika. They testify to utilitarian architecture of past times and the importance of salt production to Pag’s natives. The first three warehouses were built in the 17th century, while the other six were constructed during the second Austrian administration.

During Venetian rule, Pag’s citizens were exempt from participation in military campaigns due to the importance of salt production. However, Ivan Petar Kašić waived the exemption and participated in one of the most important battles in history: the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Sveti Vid (St. Vitus) is the highest peak on the island of Pag, 348 m above sea level. The small Church of St. Vitus was built there in the 14th century.